(self["webpackChunkdashboard_react"] = self["webpackChunkdashboard_react"] || []).push([["main-b9100f55"],{ /***/ 2896: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; // EXPORTS __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, { Kq: () => (/* reexport */ components_Provider), wA: () => (/* reexport */ useDispatch), d4: () => (/* reexport */ useSelector) }); // UNUSED EXPORTS: ReactReduxContext, batch, connect, createDispatchHook, createSelectorHook, createStoreHook, shallowEqual, useStore // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/use-sync-external-store/shim/index.js var shim = __webpack_require__(9888); // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/use-sync-external-store/shim/with-selector.js var with_selector = __webpack_require__(9242); // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/react-dom/index.js var react_dom = __webpack_require__(961); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/react-redux/es/utils/reactBatchedUpdates.js ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/react-redux/es/utils/batch.js // Default to a dummy "batch" implementation that just runs the callback function defaultNoopBatch(callback) { callback(); } let batch = defaultNoopBatch; // Allow injecting another batching function later const setBatch = newBatch => batch = newBatch; // Supply a getter just to skip dealing with ESM bindings const getBatch = () => batch; // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/react/index.js var react = __webpack_require__(6540); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/react-redux/es/components/Context.js const ContextKey = Symbol.for(`react-redux-context`); const gT = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : /* fall back to a per-module scope (pre-8.1 behaviour) if `globalThis` is not available */ {}; function getContext() { var _gT$ContextKey; if (!react.createContext) return {}; const contextMap = (_gT$ContextKey = gT[ContextKey]) != null ? _gT$ContextKey : gT[ContextKey] = new Map(); let realContext = contextMap.get(react.createContext); if (!realContext) { realContext = react.createContext(null); if (false) {} contextMap.set(react.createContext, realContext); } return realContext; } const Context_ReactReduxContext = /*#__PURE__*/getContext(); /* harmony default export */ const Context = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (Context_ReactReduxContext))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/react-redux/es/hooks/useReduxContext.js /** * Hook factory, which creates a `useReduxContext` hook bound to a given context. This is a low-level * hook that you should usually not need to call directly. * * @param {React.Context} [context=ReactReduxContext] Context passed to your ``. * @returns {Function} A `useReduxContext` hook bound to the specified context. */ function createReduxContextHook(context = Context_ReactReduxContext) { return function useReduxContext() { const contextValue = (0,react.useContext)(context); if (false) {} return contextValue; }; } /** * A hook to access the value of the `ReactReduxContext`. This is a low-level * hook that you should usually not need to call directly. * * @returns {any} the value of the `ReactReduxContext` * * @example * * import React from 'react' * import { useReduxContext } from 'react-redux' * * export const CounterComponent = () => { * const { store } = useReduxContext() * return
* } */ const useReduxContext_useReduxContext = /*#__PURE__*/createReduxContextHook(); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/react-redux/es/utils/useSyncExternalStore.js const useSyncExternalStore_notInitialized = () => { throw new Error('uSES not initialized!'); }; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/react-redux/es/hooks/useSelector.js let useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector = useSyncExternalStore_notInitialized; const initializeUseSelector = fn => { useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector = fn; }; const refEquality = (a, b) => a === b; /** * Hook factory, which creates a `useSelector` hook bound to a given context. * * @param {React.Context} [context=ReactReduxContext] Context passed to your ``. * @returns {Function} A `useSelector` hook bound to the specified context. */ function createSelectorHook(context = Context_ReactReduxContext) { const useReduxContext = context === Context_ReactReduxContext ? useReduxContext_useReduxContext : createReduxContextHook(context); return function useSelector(selector, equalityFnOrOptions = {}) { const { equalityFn = refEquality, stabilityCheck = undefined, noopCheck = undefined } = typeof equalityFnOrOptions === 'function' ? { equalityFn: equalityFnOrOptions } : equalityFnOrOptions; if (false) {} const { store, subscription, getServerState, stabilityCheck: globalStabilityCheck, noopCheck: globalNoopCheck } = useReduxContext(); const firstRun = (0,react.useRef)(true); const wrappedSelector = (0,react.useCallback)({ [selector.name](state) { const selected = selector(state); if (false) {} return selected; } }[selector.name], [selector, globalStabilityCheck, stabilityCheck]); const selectedState = useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector(subscription.addNestedSub, store.getState, getServerState || store.getState, wrappedSelector, equalityFn); (0,react.useDebugValue)(selectedState); return selectedState; }; } /** * A hook to access the redux store's state. This hook takes a selector function * as an argument. The selector is called with the store state. * * This hook takes an optional equality comparison function as the second parameter * that allows you to customize the way the selected state is compared to determine * whether the component needs to be re-rendered. * * @param {Function} selector the selector function * @param {Function=} equalityFn the function that will be used to determine equality * * @returns {any} the selected state * * @example * * import React from 'react' * import { useSelector } from 'react-redux' * * export const CounterComponent = () => { * const counter = useSelector(state => state.counter) * return
* } */ const useSelector = /*#__PURE__*/createSelectorHook(); // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/hoist-non-react-statics/dist/hoist-non-react-statics.cjs.js var hoist_non_react_statics_cjs = __webpack_require__(4146); // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/react-is/index.js var react_is = __webpack_require__(4363); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/react-redux/es/utils/Subscription.js // encapsulates the subscription logic for connecting a component to the redux store, as // well as nesting subscriptions of descendant components, so that we can ensure the // ancestor components re-render before descendants function createListenerCollection() { const batch = getBatch(); let first = null; let last = null; return { clear() { first = null; last = null; }, notify() { batch(() => { let listener = first; while (listener) { listener.callback(); listener = listener.next; } }); }, get() { let listeners = []; let listener = first; while (listener) { listeners.push(listener); listener = listener.next; } return listeners; }, subscribe(callback) { let isSubscribed = true; let listener = last = { callback, next: null, prev: last }; if (listener.prev) { listener.prev.next = listener; } else { first = listener; } return function unsubscribe() { if (!isSubscribed || first === null) return; isSubscribed = false; if (listener.next) { listener.next.prev = listener.prev; } else { last = listener.prev; } if (listener.prev) { listener.prev.next = listener.next; } else { first = listener.next; } }; } }; } const nullListeners = { notify() {}, get: () => [] }; function Subscription_createSubscription(store, parentSub) { let unsubscribe; let listeners = nullListeners; // Reasons to keep the subscription active let subscriptionsAmount = 0; // Is this specific subscription subscribed (or only nested ones?) let selfSubscribed = false; function addNestedSub(listener) { trySubscribe(); const cleanupListener = listeners.subscribe(listener); // cleanup nested sub let removed = false; return () => { if (!removed) { removed = true; cleanupListener(); tryUnsubscribe(); } }; } function notifyNestedSubs() { listeners.notify(); } function handleChangeWrapper() { if (subscription.onStateChange) { subscription.onStateChange(); } } function isSubscribed() { return selfSubscribed; } function trySubscribe() { subscriptionsAmount++; if (!unsubscribe) { unsubscribe = parentSub ? parentSub.addNestedSub(handleChangeWrapper) : store.subscribe(handleChangeWrapper); listeners = createListenerCollection(); } } function tryUnsubscribe() { subscriptionsAmount--; if (unsubscribe && subscriptionsAmount === 0) { unsubscribe(); unsubscribe = undefined; listeners.clear(); listeners = nullListeners; } } function trySubscribeSelf() { if (!selfSubscribed) { selfSubscribed = true; trySubscribe(); } } function tryUnsubscribeSelf() { if (selfSubscribed) { selfSubscribed = false; tryUnsubscribe(); } } const subscription = { addNestedSub, notifyNestedSubs, handleChangeWrapper, isSubscribed, trySubscribe: trySubscribeSelf, tryUnsubscribe: tryUnsubscribeSelf, getListeners: () => listeners }; return subscription; } ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/react-redux/es/utils/useIsomorphicLayoutEffect.js // React currently throws a warning when using useLayoutEffect on the server. // To get around it, we can conditionally useEffect on the server (no-op) and // useLayoutEffect in the browser. We need useLayoutEffect to ensure the store // subscription callback always has the selector from the latest render commit // available, otherwise a store update may happen between render and the effect, // which may cause missed updates; we also must ensure the store subscription // is created synchronously, otherwise a store update may occur before the // subscription is created and an inconsistent state may be observed // Matches logic in React's `shared/ExecutionEnvironment` file const canUseDOM = !!(typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.document !== 'undefined' && typeof window.document.createElement !== 'undefined'); const useIsomorphicLayoutEffect_useIsomorphicLayoutEffect = canUseDOM ? react.useLayoutEffect : react.useEffect; ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/react-redux/es/components/connect.js const _excluded = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (["reactReduxForwardedRef"])); /* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */ let useSyncExternalStore = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (notInitialized)); const initializeConnect = fn => { useSyncExternalStore = fn; }; // Define some constant arrays just to avoid re-creating these const EMPTY_ARRAY = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && ([null, 0])); const NO_SUBSCRIPTION_ARRAY = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && ([null, null])); // Attempts to stringify whatever not-really-a-component value we were given // for logging in an error message const stringifyComponent = Comp => { try { return JSON.stringify(Comp); } catch (err) { return String(Comp); } }; // This is "just" a `useLayoutEffect`, but with two modifications: // - we need to fall back to `useEffect` in SSR to avoid annoying warnings // - we extract this to a separate function to avoid closing over values // and causing memory leaks function useIsomorphicLayoutEffectWithArgs(effectFunc, effectArgs, dependencies) { useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => effectFunc(...effectArgs), dependencies); } // Effect callback, extracted: assign the latest props values to refs for later usage function captureWrapperProps(lastWrapperProps, lastChildProps, renderIsScheduled, wrapperProps, // actualChildProps: unknown, childPropsFromStoreUpdate, notifyNestedSubs) { // We want to capture the wrapper props and child props we used for later comparisons lastWrapperProps.current = wrapperProps; renderIsScheduled.current = false; // If the render was from a store update, clear out that reference and cascade the subscriber update if (childPropsFromStoreUpdate.current) { childPropsFromStoreUpdate.current = null; notifyNestedSubs(); } } // Effect callback, extracted: subscribe to the Redux store or nearest connected ancestor, // check for updates after dispatched actions, and trigger re-renders. function subscribeUpdates(shouldHandleStateChanges, store, subscription, childPropsSelector, lastWrapperProps, lastChildProps, renderIsScheduled, isMounted, childPropsFromStoreUpdate, notifyNestedSubs, // forceComponentUpdateDispatch: React.Dispatch, additionalSubscribeListener) { // If we're not subscribed to the store, nothing to do here if (!shouldHandleStateChanges) return () => {}; // Capture values for checking if and when this component unmounts let didUnsubscribe = false; let lastThrownError = null; // We'll run this callback every time a store subscription update propagates to this component const checkForUpdates = () => { if (didUnsubscribe || !isMounted.current) { // Don't run stale listeners. // Redux doesn't guarantee unsubscriptions happen until next dispatch. return; } // TODO We're currently calling getState ourselves here, rather than letting `uSES` do it const latestStoreState = store.getState(); let newChildProps, error; try { // Actually run the selector with the most recent store state and wrapper props // to determine what the child props should be newChildProps = childPropsSelector(latestStoreState, lastWrapperProps.current); } catch (e) { error = e; lastThrownError = e; } if (!error) { lastThrownError = null; } // If the child props haven't changed, nothing to do here - cascade the subscription update if (newChildProps === lastChildProps.current) { if (!renderIsScheduled.current) { notifyNestedSubs(); } } else { // Save references to the new child props. Note that we track the "child props from store update" // as a ref instead of a useState/useReducer because we need a way to determine if that value has // been processed. If this went into useState/useReducer, we couldn't clear out the value without // forcing another re-render, which we don't want. lastChildProps.current = newChildProps; childPropsFromStoreUpdate.current = newChildProps; renderIsScheduled.current = true; // TODO This is hacky and not how `uSES` is meant to be used // Trigger the React `useSyncExternalStore` subscriber additionalSubscribeListener(); } }; // Actually subscribe to the nearest connected ancestor (or store) subscription.onStateChange = checkForUpdates; subscription.trySubscribe(); // Pull data from the store after first render in case the store has // changed since we began. checkForUpdates(); const unsubscribeWrapper = () => { didUnsubscribe = true; subscription.tryUnsubscribe(); subscription.onStateChange = null; if (lastThrownError) { // It's possible that we caught an error due to a bad mapState function, but the // parent re-rendered without this component and we're about to unmount. // This shouldn't happen as long as we do top-down subscriptions correctly, but // if we ever do those wrong, this throw will surface the error in our tests. // In that case, throw the error from here so it doesn't get lost. throw lastThrownError; } }; return unsubscribeWrapper; } // Reducer initial state creation for our update reducer const initStateUpdates = () => EMPTY_ARRAY; function strictEqual(a, b) { return a === b; } /** * Infers the type of props that a connector will inject into a component. */ let hasWarnedAboutDeprecatedPureOption = false; /** * Connects a React component to a Redux store. * * - Without arguments, just wraps the component, without changing the behavior / props * * - If 2 params are passed (3rd param, mergeProps, is skipped), default behavior * is to override ownProps (as stated in the docs), so what remains is everything that's * not a state or dispatch prop * * - When 3rd param is passed, we don't know if ownProps propagate and whether they * should be valid component props, because it depends on mergeProps implementation. * As such, it is the user's responsibility to extend ownProps interface from state or * dispatch props or both when applicable * * @param mapStateToProps A function that extracts values from state * @param mapDispatchToProps Setup for dispatching actions * @param mergeProps Optional callback to merge state and dispatch props together * @param options Options for configuring the connection * */ function connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, mergeProps, { // The `pure` option has been removed, so TS doesn't like us destructuring this to check its existence. // @ts-ignore pure, areStatesEqual = strictEqual, areOwnPropsEqual = shallowEqual, areStatePropsEqual = shallowEqual, areMergedPropsEqual = shallowEqual, // use React's forwardRef to expose a ref of the wrapped component forwardRef = false, // the context consumer to use context = ReactReduxContext } = {}) { if (false) {} const Context = context; const initMapStateToProps = mapStateToPropsFactory(mapStateToProps); const initMapDispatchToProps = mapDispatchToPropsFactory(mapDispatchToProps); const initMergeProps = mergePropsFactory(mergeProps); const shouldHandleStateChanges = Boolean(mapStateToProps); const wrapWithConnect = WrappedComponent => { if (false) {} const wrappedComponentName = WrappedComponent.displayName || WrappedComponent.name || 'Component'; const displayName = `Connect(${wrappedComponentName})`; const selectorFactoryOptions = { shouldHandleStateChanges, displayName, wrappedComponentName, WrappedComponent, // @ts-ignore initMapStateToProps, // @ts-ignore initMapDispatchToProps, initMergeProps, areStatesEqual, areStatePropsEqual, areOwnPropsEqual, areMergedPropsEqual }; function ConnectFunction(props) { const [propsContext, reactReduxForwardedRef, wrapperProps] = React.useMemo(() => { // Distinguish between actual "data" props that were passed to the wrapper component, // and values needed to control behavior (forwarded refs, alternate context instances). // To maintain the wrapperProps object reference, memoize this destructuring. const { reactReduxForwardedRef } = props, wrapperProps = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(props, _excluded); return [props.context, reactReduxForwardedRef, wrapperProps]; }, [props]); const ContextToUse = React.useMemo(() => { // Users may optionally pass in a custom context instance to use instead of our ReactReduxContext. // Memoize the check that determines which context instance we should use. return propsContext && propsContext.Consumer && // @ts-ignore isContextConsumer( /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(propsContext.Consumer, null)) ? propsContext : Context; }, [propsContext, Context]); // Retrieve the store and ancestor subscription via context, if available const contextValue = React.useContext(ContextToUse); // The store _must_ exist as either a prop or in context. // We'll check to see if it _looks_ like a Redux store first. // This allows us to pass through a `store` prop that is just a plain value. const didStoreComeFromProps = Boolean(props.store) && Boolean(props.store.getState) && Boolean(props.store.dispatch); const didStoreComeFromContext = Boolean(contextValue) && Boolean(contextValue.store); if (false) {} // Based on the previous check, one of these must be true const store = didStoreComeFromProps ? props.store : contextValue.store; const getServerState = didStoreComeFromContext ? contextValue.getServerState : store.getState; const childPropsSelector = React.useMemo(() => { // The child props selector needs the store reference as an input. // Re-create this selector whenever the store changes. return defaultSelectorFactory(store.dispatch, selectorFactoryOptions); }, [store]); const [subscription, notifyNestedSubs] = React.useMemo(() => { if (!shouldHandleStateChanges) return NO_SUBSCRIPTION_ARRAY; // This Subscription's source should match where store came from: props vs. context. A component // connected to the store via props shouldn't use subscription from context, or vice versa. const subscription = createSubscription(store, didStoreComeFromProps ? undefined : contextValue.subscription); // `notifyNestedSubs` is duplicated to handle the case where the component is unmounted in // the middle of the notification loop, where `subscription` will then be null. This can // probably be avoided if Subscription's listeners logic is changed to not call listeners // that have been unsubscribed in the middle of the notification loop. const notifyNestedSubs = subscription.notifyNestedSubs.bind(subscription); return [subscription, notifyNestedSubs]; }, [store, didStoreComeFromProps, contextValue]); // Determine what {store, subscription} value should be put into nested context, if necessary, // and memoize that value to avoid unnecessary context updates. const overriddenContextValue = React.useMemo(() => { if (didStoreComeFromProps) { // This component is directly subscribed to a store from props. // We don't want descendants reading from this store - pass down whatever // the existing context value is from the nearest connected ancestor. return contextValue; } // Otherwise, put this component's subscription instance into context, so that // connected descendants won't update until after this component is done return _extends({}, contextValue, { subscription }); }, [didStoreComeFromProps, contextValue, subscription]); // Set up refs to coordinate values between the subscription effect and the render logic const lastChildProps = React.useRef(); const lastWrapperProps = React.useRef(wrapperProps); const childPropsFromStoreUpdate = React.useRef(); const renderIsScheduled = React.useRef(false); const isProcessingDispatch = React.useRef(false); const isMounted = React.useRef(false); const latestSubscriptionCallbackError = React.useRef(); useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => { isMounted.current = true; return () => { isMounted.current = false; }; }, []); const actualChildPropsSelector = React.useMemo(() => { const selector = () => { // Tricky logic here: // - This render may have been triggered by a Redux store update that produced new child props // - However, we may have gotten new wrapper props after that // If we have new child props, and the same wrapper props, we know we should use the new child props as-is. // But, if we have new wrapper props, those might change the child props, so we have to recalculate things. // So, we'll use the child props from store update only if the wrapper props are the same as last time. if (childPropsFromStoreUpdate.current && wrapperProps === lastWrapperProps.current) { return childPropsFromStoreUpdate.current; } // TODO We're reading the store directly in render() here. Bad idea? // This will likely cause Bad Things (TM) to happen in Concurrent Mode. // Note that we do this because on renders _not_ caused by store updates, we need the latest store state // to determine what the child props should be. return childPropsSelector(store.getState(), wrapperProps); }; return selector; }, [store, wrapperProps]); // We need this to execute synchronously every time we re-render. However, React warns // about useLayoutEffect in SSR, so we try to detect environment and fall back to // just useEffect instead to avoid the warning, since neither will run anyway. const subscribeForReact = React.useMemo(() => { const subscribe = reactListener => { if (!subscription) { return () => {}; } return subscribeUpdates(shouldHandleStateChanges, store, subscription, // @ts-ignore childPropsSelector, lastWrapperProps, lastChildProps, renderIsScheduled, isMounted, childPropsFromStoreUpdate, notifyNestedSubs, reactListener); }; return subscribe; }, [subscription]); useIsomorphicLayoutEffectWithArgs(captureWrapperProps, [lastWrapperProps, lastChildProps, renderIsScheduled, wrapperProps, childPropsFromStoreUpdate, notifyNestedSubs]); let actualChildProps; try { actualChildProps = useSyncExternalStore( // TODO We're passing through a big wrapper that does a bunch of extra side effects besides subscribing subscribeForReact, // TODO This is incredibly hacky. We've already processed the store update and calculated new child props, // TODO and we're just passing that through so it triggers a re-render for us rather than relying on `uSES`. actualChildPropsSelector, getServerState ? () => childPropsSelector(getServerState(), wrapperProps) : actualChildPropsSelector); } catch (err) { if (latestSubscriptionCallbackError.current) { ; err.message += `\nThe error may be correlated with this previous error:\n${latestSubscriptionCallbackError.current.stack}\n\n`; } throw err; } useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => { latestSubscriptionCallbackError.current = undefined; childPropsFromStoreUpdate.current = undefined; lastChildProps.current = actualChildProps; }); // Now that all that's done, we can finally try to actually render the child component. // We memoize the elements for the rendered child component as an optimization. const renderedWrappedComponent = React.useMemo(() => { return ( /*#__PURE__*/ // @ts-ignore React.createElement(WrappedComponent, _extends({}, actualChildProps, { ref: reactReduxForwardedRef })) ); }, [reactReduxForwardedRef, WrappedComponent, actualChildProps]); // If React sees the exact same element reference as last time, it bails out of re-rendering // that child, same as if it was wrapped in React.memo() or returned false from shouldComponentUpdate. const renderedChild = React.useMemo(() => { if (shouldHandleStateChanges) { // If this component is subscribed to store updates, we need to pass its own // subscription instance down to our descendants. That means rendering the same // Context instance, and putting a different value into the context. return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ContextToUse.Provider, { value: overriddenContextValue }, renderedWrappedComponent); } return renderedWrappedComponent; }, [ContextToUse, renderedWrappedComponent, overriddenContextValue]); return renderedChild; } const _Connect = React.memo(ConnectFunction); // Add a hacky cast to get the right output type const Connect = _Connect; Connect.WrappedComponent = WrappedComponent; Connect.displayName = ConnectFunction.displayName = displayName; if (forwardRef) { const _forwarded = React.forwardRef(function forwardConnectRef(props, ref) { // @ts-ignore return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Connect, _extends({}, props, { reactReduxForwardedRef: ref })); }); const forwarded = _forwarded; forwarded.displayName = displayName; forwarded.WrappedComponent = WrappedComponent; return hoistStatics(forwarded, WrappedComponent); } return hoistStatics(Connect, WrappedComponent); }; return wrapWithConnect; } /* harmony default export */ const components_connect = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (connect))); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/react-redux/es/components/Provider.js function Provider({ store, context, children, serverState, stabilityCheck = 'once', noopCheck = 'once' }) { const contextValue = react.useMemo(() => { const subscription = Subscription_createSubscription(store); return { store, subscription, getServerState: serverState ? () => serverState : undefined, stabilityCheck, noopCheck }; }, [store, serverState, stabilityCheck, noopCheck]); const previousState = react.useMemo(() => store.getState(), [store]); useIsomorphicLayoutEffect_useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => { const { subscription } = contextValue; subscription.onStateChange = subscription.notifyNestedSubs; subscription.trySubscribe(); if (previousState !== store.getState()) { subscription.notifyNestedSubs(); } return () => { subscription.tryUnsubscribe(); subscription.onStateChange = undefined; }; }, [contextValue, previousState]); const Context = context || Context_ReactReduxContext; // @ts-ignore 'AnyAction' is assignable to the constraint of type 'A', but 'A' could be instantiated with a different subtype return /*#__PURE__*/react.createElement(Context.Provider, { value: contextValue }, children); } /* harmony default export */ const components_Provider = (Provider); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/react-redux/es/hooks/useStore.js /** * Hook factory, which creates a `useStore` hook bound to a given context. * * @param {React.Context} [context=ReactReduxContext] Context passed to your ``. * @returns {Function} A `useStore` hook bound to the specified context. */ function createStoreHook(context = Context_ReactReduxContext) { const useReduxContext = // @ts-ignore context === Context_ReactReduxContext ? useReduxContext_useReduxContext : // @ts-ignore createReduxContextHook(context); return function useStore() { const { store } = useReduxContext(); // @ts-ignore return store; }; } /** * A hook to access the redux store. * * @returns {any} the redux store * * @example * * import React from 'react' * import { useStore } from 'react-redux' * * export const ExampleComponent = () => { * const store = useStore() * return
* } */ const useStore_useStore = /*#__PURE__*/createStoreHook(); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/react-redux/es/hooks/useDispatch.js /** * Hook factory, which creates a `useDispatch` hook bound to a given context. * * @param {React.Context} [context=ReactReduxContext] Context passed to your ``. * @returns {Function} A `useDispatch` hook bound to the specified context. */ function createDispatchHook(context = Context_ReactReduxContext) { const useStore = // @ts-ignore context === Context_ReactReduxContext ? useStore_useStore : createStoreHook(context); return function useDispatch() { const store = useStore(); // @ts-ignore return store.dispatch; }; } /** * A hook to access the redux `dispatch` function. * * @returns {any|function} redux store's `dispatch` function * * @example * * import React, { useCallback } from 'react' * import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux' * * export const CounterComponent = ({ value }) => { * const dispatch = useDispatch() * const increaseCounter = useCallback(() => dispatch({ type: 'increase-counter' }), []) * return ( *
* {value} * *
* ) * } */ const useDispatch = /*#__PURE__*/createDispatchHook(); ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/react-redux/es/exports.js ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/react-redux/es/index.js // The primary entry point assumes we're working with standard ReactDOM/RN, but // older versions that do not include `useSyncExternalStore` (React 16.9 - 17.x). // Because of that, the useSyncExternalStore compat shim is needed. initializeUseSelector(with_selector.useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector); initializeConnect(shim.useSyncExternalStore); // Enable batched updates in our subscriptions for use // with standard React renderers (ReactDOM, React Native) setBatch(react_dom.unstable_batchedUpdates); /***/ }), /***/ 4976: /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___namespace_cache; var react_dom__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___namespace_cache; /* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, { /* harmony export */ Kd: () => (/* binding */ BrowserRouter), /* harmony export */ k2: () => (/* binding */ NavLink) /* harmony export */ }); /* unused harmony exports Form, HashRouter, Link, RouterProvider, ScrollRestoration, UNSAFE_FetchersContext, UNSAFE_ViewTransitionContext, UNSAFE_useScrollRestoration, createBrowserRouter, createHashRouter, createSearchParams, unstable_HistoryRouter, unstable_usePrompt, unstable_useViewTransitionState, useBeforeUnload, useFetcher, useFetchers, useFormAction, useLinkClickHandler, useSearchParams, useSubmit */ /* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(6540); /* harmony import */ var react_dom__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(961); /* harmony import */ var react_router__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(7767); /* harmony import */ var _remix_run_router__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(5588); /** * React Router DOM v6.23.0 * * Copyright (c) Remix Software Inc. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE.md file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @license MIT */ function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); } function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; } const defaultMethod = "get"; const defaultEncType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; function isHtmlElement(object) { return object != null && typeof object.tagName === "string"; } function isButtonElement(object) { return isHtmlElement(object) && object.tagName.toLowerCase() === "button"; } function isFormElement(object) { return isHtmlElement(object) && object.tagName.toLowerCase() === "form"; } function isInputElement(object) { return isHtmlElement(object) && object.tagName.toLowerCase() === "input"; } function isModifiedEvent(event) { return !!(event.metaKey || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey); } function shouldProcessLinkClick(event, target) { return event.button === 0 && ( // Ignore everything but left clicks !target || target === "_self") && // Let browser handle "target=_blank" etc. !isModifiedEvent(event) // Ignore clicks with modifier keys ; } /** * Creates a URLSearchParams object using the given initializer. * * This is identical to `new URLSearchParams(init)` except it also * supports arrays as values in the object form of the initializer * instead of just strings. This is convenient when you need multiple * values for a given key, but don't want to use an array initializer. * * For example, instead of: * * let searchParams = new URLSearchParams([ * ['sort', 'name'], * ['sort', 'price'] * ]); * * you can do: * * let searchParams = createSearchParams({ * sort: ['name', 'price'] * }); */ function createSearchParams(init) { if (init === void 0) { init = ""; } return new URLSearchParams(typeof init === "string" || Array.isArray(init) || init instanceof URLSearchParams ? init : Object.keys(init).reduce((memo, key) => { let value = init[key]; return memo.concat(Array.isArray(value) ? value.map(v => [key, v]) : [[key, value]]); }, [])); } function getSearchParamsForLocation(locationSearch, defaultSearchParams) { let searchParams = createSearchParams(locationSearch); if (defaultSearchParams) { // Use `defaultSearchParams.forEach(...)` here instead of iterating of // `defaultSearchParams.keys()` to work-around a bug in Firefox related to // web extensions. Relevant Bugzilla tickets: // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1414602 // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1023984 defaultSearchParams.forEach((_, key) => { if (!searchParams.has(key)) { defaultSearchParams.getAll(key).forEach(value => { searchParams.append(key, value); }); } }); } return searchParams; } // One-time check for submitter support let _formDataSupportsSubmitter = null; function isFormDataSubmitterSupported() { if (_formDataSupportsSubmitter === null) { try { new FormData(document.createElement("form"), // @ts-expect-error if FormData supports the submitter parameter, this will throw 0); _formDataSupportsSubmitter = false; } catch (e) { _formDataSupportsSubmitter = true; } } return _formDataSupportsSubmitter; } const supportedFormEncTypes = new Set(["application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/form-data", "text/plain"]); function getFormEncType(encType) { if (encType != null && !supportedFormEncTypes.has(encType)) { false ? 0 : void 0; return null; } return encType; } function getFormSubmissionInfo(target, basename) { let method; let action; let encType; let formData; let body; if (isFormElement(target)) { // When grabbing the action from the element, it will have had the basename // prefixed to ensure non-JS scenarios work, so strip it since we'll // re-prefix in the router let attr = target.getAttribute("action"); action = attr ? stripBasename(attr, basename) : null; method = target.getAttribute("method") || defaultMethod; encType = getFormEncType(target.getAttribute("enctype")) || defaultEncType; formData = new FormData(target); } else if (isButtonElement(target) || isInputElement(target) && (target.type === "submit" || target.type === "image")) { let form = target.form; if (form == null) { throw new Error("Cannot submit a